Saturday, December 28, 2019

Why Is Health Promotion Campaign Important - 1050 Words

on the way in which an environment shapes behaviour, by making it more or less rewarding to behave in particular ways. For example, if at work there is no regulation on where people are able to smoke cigarettes, it is easy to be a smoker. If regulations are in place, it is more difficult and, as a consequence, most smokers smokeless and find such an environment more supportive for quitting. Behavioural change: The aim of this approach is to encourage individuals to take responsibility for their own health and choose healthier lifestyles. This is done by Persuasion through one to-one advice, information, mass campaigns, for example. Looking after Your Heart dietary messages The NHS involvement in providing health promotion Why is health promotion campaign important in the UK? There are fears that the recent generation and their children’s generation will age less successfully than the current older one – no surprise given that, although rates of cigarette smoking are falling, more people are drinking heavily, only a minority of adults exercise often enough to maintain good health and obesity rates have greatly increased over the last 20 years. Obesity is a main health issue which can lead to other health problems such as diabetes, high cholesterol, hypertension, joint pain, Nursing Times (2009) states that ‘these health issues can be prevented or delayed by lifestyle measures. A health promotion package would enable adults of all ages to lead a happier and healthier life.Show MoreRelatedIs The National Tobacco Campaign? Essay1616 Words   |  7 Pagesrelating to why promoting behavioural change (through aspects of psychology) is considered so imperative in today s healthcare environment. 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Friday, December 20, 2019

Online Dating Pros and Cons - 1060 Words

Online dating allows singles, couples, or groups to meet each other online with the hopes of forming a social, romantic, or sexual relationship. Those that sign up with an online dating service typically provide information for other members to view in the form of a personal profile. This personal profile is the main deciding factor as to whether or not an online dater chooses to communication with another member of the online dating service. Online dating, a relatively new form of social matchmaking, has both positive and negative aspects to it. Just as any sort of social interaction can have pros and cons. In this topic, I am going to give reasons how on how online dating can be avantage and disvantages to us and what impact it has on†¦show more content†¦Profiles can be false or partially false as some people attempt to make themselves sound as appealing to others and take it too extremes. Internet dating starts out as typing so you do not automatically know what the pers on you are e-mailing looks like or is like personally. Some Internet dating sites charge far too much money and some will not allow you to view the profiles of other people until you become a member and pay the fees. Exchanging photos is important but you do not always get what you see. Some people post photos of them from many years ago and some people do not have photos of themselves that are very flattering. Some people are simply not photogenic. Photos do not always tell the truth. Realize that some people are more appealing in person than their photo implies. I see online dating site as sites that made people to such for love and it doesnt cost anything to use. Free dating sites also attract more users than subscription-based ones do. However, the very thing that makes these free sites popular can also cause problems relating to privacy. For example, since anyone can join these sites, people who prefer to keep their private lives private are potentially exposed to unwanted atte ntion and publicity. Another drawback of free online dating sites is thatShow MoreRelatedPros And Cons Of Online Dating1350 Words   |  6 Pagesis online dating is beneficial to everyone because it is a way to meet people and talk with them before meeting them in person. It shows bias even though Ms. Spira was trying not to show bias. She did not seek any evidence beyond her viewpoint and experiences. She did not go beyond her expertise to show that there can be larger negative aspects to online dating (Boss, 8). The point in the article was if you want to meet your special someone you need to combine online dating and offline dating. OnlineRead MoreOnline / Social Media And Dating1103 Words   |  5 PagesOnline/Social Media and Dating When it comes to the details about the beginning of mankind, kind few things can be proven or presented as an absolute fact. One of the things that is an exception, which would be love. Love, infatuation, attraction or whatever you want to call the almost undefinable attraction to another human has always been around. Now the never ending question is how do you find love, how do you find the person that some would even say is created for them? Over the years mankindRead MorePros And Cons Of Social Media1114 Words   |  5 PagesFacebook, Twitter, Snapchat, dating sites. When using these sites it allows the users to create a platform for themselves, or just use then to feel connected with people you know. There are many pros a con that comes with using social media that can make people think differently of a person or the way of living. The pros of social media are absolutely harmless and could be beneficial to the people providing these pros and the people who like or relate to the pros. For example say an up comingRead MoreOnline Dating And The Internet944 Words   |  4 Pagesadvertisements for online dating. Online dating is communicating with others through the internet with the objective of beginning a romantic relationship. You can join the online dating community through websites or apps. It is very common for individuals to take part in this method of dating. While some experiences with the service conclude with happy endings, you can’t be guaranteed one. There are dangerous factors when it comes to using online dating. The first online dating website was establishedRead MoreThe Problem Of Online Dating Essay1067 Words   |  5 PagesThere’s no question that dating 40 years ago was much different than dating now. While back then we actually had to go out and meet somebody to be seen, now, with the click of a button, our entire lives can instantly go public. Social media has created this labeling phenomenon in which individuals can categorize another based on a certain trait. Take online dating, for example. We set up a profile that includes hobbies, interests, places lived, and even sometimes body shape. But the most importantRead MoreOnline Dating Essay863 Words   |  4 PagesOnline Dating Some people today feel they cannot meet someone in their everyday lives so they turn to the internet to find a prospective partner, people us the internet as a way of meeting new people Online dating has become the new way of finding your soul mate The internet has made dating more convenient you no longer to have to go out to a bar and spend money trying to impress or you really don’t have, for people who are shy this is the perfect way to screen a potential in the privacy. I thoughtRead MoreLong Distance Relationships1595 Words   |  7 Pagesnegative aspects of Long Distance Relationships. Weaknesses, strengths and differences in long distance relationships versus geographically close relationships are evident. The articles represent studies that have been conducted and provide the pros and cons, and the different affects they have in relationships. â€Æ' Long Distance Relationships-Modern Media Long distance relationships can be stressful at times because of the distance between partners. However, distance can be beneficial, in many waysRead MoreOnline Dating1706 Words   |  7 PagesOnline dating is a which allows individuals, couples and groups to make contact and communicate with each other over the Internet, usually with the objective of developing a personal, romantic, or sexual relationship. Match making occurs over the Internet using computers or cellphones. In order to use an online dating service, people start by creating a profile with basic information about themselves such as gender, age, location, and interests, and at least one photo. Most online dating servicesRead MoreSocial Networking: Does It Do More Good to Us Than Bad1063 Words   |  5 Pagesfaster internet connections coming into service, the use of social networks have sky rocketed; especially among young adults. Since social networking has become such a controversial topic these days, I decided to conduct my research project on the pros and cons of social networking. Has it done more good to society than bad? These questions deserve to be answered because as more people move towards these new modes of communication, the higher the influence it will have on the society as a whole. In myRead MoreThe Is A Good Thing For Society?1019 Words   |  5 Pagespurpose. This term has been around since the 1980s, but never has it been more prevalent than now. It seems that not a w eek can go by without one of these online incidents appearing on the news. With technology advancing, it raises the following question: Are hacktivists beneficial or detrimental to society? After a careful analysis of the pros and cons, one side of this question becomes increasing favorable. Hacktivism is a good thing for society. First, it gives individuals the power to speak their

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology †Free Samples

Question: Discuss about the Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology. Answer: Intrtoduction: This paper puts emphasis on the three aspects of how mental disorders are perceived by the common people, by their own and by the clinicians. Biogenetic descriptions are related to stigmatizing point of view of the society. However, the findings from the co-relational as well as the experimental examinations suggests that biogenetics descriptions actually associate to decrease the tendency to condemn the individuals with mental disorders for their own issues but an expanding tendency to view them as threatening and unpredictable. The mixed-blessings model has been described which emphasis mainly on the explanation of biogenetics and further branches to attribution of uncontrollability and psychological essentialism. Attribution of uncontrollability was further explaining the diminished blame and on the other hand, psychological essentialism explains desire for social distance, prognostic pessimism and perceived dangerousness for the mentally disordered. Thus if the limitations are to be considered then it can be said that no one can turn their back from facing the side effects of the biogenetic outlook to the psychopathology. What can be done is to fight essentialist misinterpretations of neuroscience and psychiatric genetics that can lead a way to separate the biogenetic descriptions and the existing disgrace. Lastly, the unsatisfactory effects of the biogenetic explanations can be changed by simply educating the society on bioscience. To get rid of the negative stereotypes that the society has for the people with mental health issues both the distinctive consequences of biogenetic and psychosocial descriptions of psychiatric symptoms are assessed in this article. It was in New Zealand that the negative perceptions were that are found elsewhere are recreated here. However, it has been seen that the health professionals of Australia are more negative towards the mentally ill then the common public. Destigmatization campaigns tries to make the public follow that people suffering from severely difficult psychological problems are ill in the same way as the one who is suffering with some medical condition. The selected sample for this particular study is undergraduate mathematics students from a university of New Zealand. However, two questionnaires for each participant were made before hand and they were made to watch a video where a mentally ill will describe his or her symptoms. Just before and after this video the participants need to fill this questionnaire, which will measure their attitude towards the mentally disabled. All items were scored so that the higher the number of score the representation of the negative attitude will also be higher. However, this study assures that New Zealand as few other Nationalities detain certain negative attitudes for the mentally ill. In this article, it has been found that the stigma related to the mental illnesses obstructs the treatment used and this may further worsen the already considerable social as well as psychological burden that has been imposed by symptoms of mental illness. Though there has been a vast repeated efforts that has been taken to decrease the stigma of mental illnesses, thus the negative attitude has been continued or have worsen the cases in the last ten years of time. Reviews on this topic in the past has already assessed that numerous mythological limitations are there that are found to be dampening the progress in this sphere. From this article, there are certain additional problems that are related to expensive stigma reducing perspectives, heterogeneous establishments and overly limited questions related to this research has been discussed in a thorough manner. However, here are certain recommendations that are provided for again focusing this sphere of work by enlarging the question s related to this research, initiating apparent constructs and by involving certain abandon but important study from the populations. The outcome of this article further addresses the conceptual challenges in the research of mental illness stigma that can help to improvise the intentions and in a better way serve the people suffering from psychological anguish. The purpose of this article it has been assumed that the biogenetic random models can usually improvise the public attitudes towards the individuals suffering from mental illnesses. It however examines that attributions of biogenetics are associated positively with the embracing of those individuals who are suffering by these kinds of disorders. For this particular topic, there has been a survey in the population that was conducted in two big cities of Germany. The respondents were offered with a depiction of young females who are suffering from anorexia nervosa or bulimia nervosa that has been followed by a full-organized interview that includes the questions on casual attributions, the emotional reactions of the participants and the wish for social distance. The result further states that attribution to the hereditary elements shows hardly any association with attitudes regarding individuals who accompanies the symptoms of eating disorder. Further stating that the participants who are supporting brain diseases as an origin that is tended more to embrace those afflicted that are responsible for the conditions. However, the participants were found to be more prone to negative emotions and have a stronger liking for social distance. Thus, the notion has not been supported that biogenetic casual models of eating disorders to decrease the stigma but rather it can increase the risk of entailing it. References Angermeyer, M. C., Mnich, E., Daubmann, A., Herich, L., Wegscheider, K., Kofahl, C., von dem Knesebeck, O. (2013). Biogenetic explanations and public acceptance of people with eating disorders.Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology,48(10), 1667-1673. Casados, A. T. (2017). Reducing the Stigma of Mental Illness: Current Approaches and Future Directions.Clinical Psychology: Science and Practice. Haslam, N., Kvaale, E. P. (2015).Biogenetic explanations of mental disorder: The mixed-blessings model.Current Directions in Psychological Science,24(5), 399-404. Walker, I., Read, J. (2002).The differential effectiveness of psychosocial and biogenetic causal explanations in reducing negative attitudes toward mental illness.Psychiatry: Interpersonal and Biological Processes,65(4), 313-325.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Advantages And Disadvantages Of Kind Of Company †Free Samples

Question: Discuss about the Advantages And Disadvantages Of Kind Of Company. Answer: Introduction There are two types of business forms that can be setup; each form has their own share of advantages and disadvantages. While going forward with this decision of which type of company to choose, the company client should focus on few thing, which kind of business that it wants to operate, which kind of company will be suitable for that kind of business, the possible advantages and disadvantages of kind of company ,and whether it has the requester funds that might be needed to start such a company. After the client has figured out the required information, it can carry forward with the formation of the company. Below we will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each form of company and what will be suitable for the client in the end. A company is the kind of legal entity that is formed as per the regulations under the Corporations Act 2001. A company has its own legal existence and also the identity of its shareholders must be different form its shareholders and directors. A co mpany has its own set of rules that must be followed and also if the company does not have its constitution, it goes by the "replaceable rules" of the Corporations Act 2001. A proprietary company is privately held company that can either be limited or unlimited. Such types of companies are present in Australia and South Africa. A proprietary company is the type of company that is defined under section 45A(1) of the Corporations Act 2001. Such type of companies is required to have not more than 50 members. These companies are also not allowed to raise funds from the public that is the main issue that is there with private companies, that they cannot raise money from the public. It cannot engage itself into any activities that can force them to raise money from the public by issuing a prospectus. A prospectus is a document that is issue by the company stating the terms of offer for shares, to raise money from the public, for their business operations. There are two types of proprietary companies, namely large proprietary company and small proprietary company. Both are differentiated on the basis of revenue earned and the level of more operating activities, and the total amount of fund raised by the company. A proprietary company is classified as small company if it meets the following requirement- The total assets of the company is less than $12.5 million, when the year ends The total number of employees in such of as small company should be less than 50 members at the end of the financial year. The overall gross revenue in the year end should be less than dollar 25 million In case of large proprietary companies, they are required to get their books of account audited and also to appoint an auditor for the same. The small companies are required to get their account audited and prepare their financial statements in the same manner, if they are required to do so as per the requirement of the Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC), or in case of a foreign company , shareholders that are holding more than 5 present of the voting power requires to do so. In case of a proprietary company, the liability of the shareholder is restricted to the number of shares raised held by them, which means that they are liable just for that much amount of shares and not for anything beyond that. This is the situation in case of a limited company. When it comes to an unlimited proprietary company, in which there is a share capital, but the only difference is that the liability of the shareholders is not limited. (, 2017) The main advantages of forming a proprietary company is- The liability of the shareholders is limited; they are not liable for anything beyond their share capital. The company will keep continuing legally, even if the members cease to exists, which means that these companies will have a legal existence The shares must be easily transferable between the shareholders and the other persons. Also the company will have various tax benefits if the rate of personal income exceeds the rate of the company The main disadvantages with this kind of businesses are- They cannot raise money from the public, so in that way they have to lose on a lot of money that might be needed for the support of business activities. They are subjected to a lot of government regulations(, 2017) Another form of company is the public company. This company have no limit on the number of shareholders and can raise money from the public, by issuing prospectus to the public for the issue of shares. The share capital can be divided into shares of particular denomination and then it can be given to the public, to raise money from the same. Most of the existent public companies were previously private companies that have chosen to go public. All the multinational companies are public companies. The main advantages of this kind of companies are- they have an access to the equity fund market ,a s well as the debt market to raise the requisite amount of fund, for their companies. They can also additional shares in the public to raise money after the initial offering. That is the kind of many advantages that a public companies has , the area of operation is also large and the total amount of money involved in such kind of companies is also large, so if the client is having so much funds , they can go ahead with such kind of companies. The main disadvantages with this kind of business are that there is a lot of control issues involved with the same. And also there are a lot of regulations that a company has to abide by the various government regulations. A public company must have to meet the various government regulations requirements and the various reporting requirements that the company must abide by. There is also lack of control, because there are so many shareholders, so it is not possible to establish authority in such type of company. (, 2017) There are various concerns that is there for establishing for a company in Australia- There must be permanent establishment of the client. The client needs to make correct allocation of profit The must be correct implication of the Goods Services Tax (GST) liability The companies would also be required to pay penalty in case they fail to comply with the following requirements of formation of accompany The company must also form the double taxation treaty rules There must be harmonizing policies that must be followed(, 2017) There are various regulations and other government disclosures that the company needs to comply with, that are the main requirements that the company must need to follow that. Conclusion The client needs to take decision based on the kind of business operations that the kind of company that they need. Both of the same have their own share of their advantages and disadvantages and on the basis of the same, the client needs to take the decision the kind of company it wants to establish. (, 2017) References: (2017). How to start a company | ASIC - Australian Securities and Investments Commission. [online] Available at: [Accessed 27 May 2017]. (2017). - Proprietary company compared with Public Company (Australia). [online] Available at: [Accessed 27 May 2017]. (2017). Checklist-to-establish-a-Public-Company-Limited-by-Guarantee. [online] Available at: [Accessed 27 May 2017]. (2017). Company basics - Register a Company Australia. [online] Available at: [Accessed 27 May 2017]. (2017). company-formation-in-Australia. [online] Available at: [Accessed 27 May 2017].

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Othello uses many different rhetorical devices to Essays

Othello uses many different rhetorical devices to persuade and show the Venetians that he is not a threat. Othello uses his skills in rhetorical devices to show the Venetians that he isn't a treat to them. Othello starts out using an appeal to emotion or ethos by saying "Her father loved me" to help him in his persuasion by showing an emotional side. He uses an appeal to emotion to try and bring out the emotion in the Venetians, so they will side with him. Othello then uses anaphora many times by saying "Of moving accidents by flood and field, Of hairbreadth 'scrapes i' th' imminent deadly breach, Of being taken by the insolent foe" and then in the next few lines saying "And sold to slavery, of my redemption thence, And portance in my traveler's history," in order to prove his point more and draw more of their attention. Othello is using anaphora to show the Venetians what he was talking about. He then in the very next line uses imagery to talk about his travels and give the Venetians an image of where he went, to help guide them in his defense, by saying "And portance in my traveler's history, Wherein of oceans vast and deserts idle,". Othello then goes on to using personification when he says, "Rough quarries, rocks, and hills whose heads touch heaven" because quarries rocks, and hills can't really touch heaven. HE says this to exaggerate and explain the scenery he saw on his travels to help prove that he isn't a threat. When Othello says "And of the cannibals that each other eat," he is using an appeal to logic or logos because it is a fact that cannibals eat each other. He uses an appeal to logic to show the Venetians that he knows they are smart and is just stating common knowledge. Othello then uses personification again by saying "She'd come again, and with a greedy ear" because ears can't really be greedy. Again Othello is just exaggerating what he knows, that when she were to come she would come with greed. He uses an appeal to emotion again by saying "And often did beguile her of her tears, When I did speak of some distressful stroke, That my youth suffered. My story being done, She gave me for my pains a world of sighs." Othello says this to try and get the Venetians to feel sympathy for him to try and sway their position on whether he is a threat or not. Othello then again uses anaphora to help his case in trying to prove that he isn't a threat by saying "She swore, in faith, 'twas strange.'twas passing strange, 'Twas pitiful, 'twas wonderous pitiful." When Othello says this he is trying to emphasize how weird and pitiful her swearing was. In this passage Othello uses many different kinds of rhetorical devices to help him prove that he isn't a threat to the Venetians.

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Largest Capital Cities of the United States

Largest Capital Cities of the United States The​ United States of America is one of the worlds largest countries based on both population (over 300 million) and area. It is made up of 50 individual states and Washington, D.C., its national capital. Each of these states also has its own capital city and other very large and small cities. These state capitals, however, vary in size but all are important to politics in the states. Interestingly, though, some of the largest and most important cities in the U.S. like New York City, New York and Los Angeles, California are not the capitals of their states. There are many more capital cities in the U.S. that are very large when compared to other, small capital cities. The following is a list of the ten largest capital cities in the U.S. For reference, the state that they are in, along with the population of the states largest city (if it is not the capital) has also been included. All population numbers were obtained from The city population figures are estimates of 2016 populations.1. Phoenix Population: 1,513, 367 State: Arizona Largest City: Phoenix3. Austin Population: 885,400 State:  Texas Largest City: Houston (2,195,914)   3. Indianapolis Population: 852,506 State: Indiana Largest City: Indianapolis​4. Columbus Population: 822,553 State: Ohio Largest City: Columbus5. Boston Population: 645,996 State: Massachusetts Largest City: Boston6. Denver Population: 649,495   State: Colorado Largest City: Denver7.   Nashville Population: 660,393 State: Tennessee Largest City: Memphis (653,450)8. Oklahoma City Population: 638,311 State: Oklahoma Largest City: Oklahoma City 9. Sacramento Population: 479,686 State:  California Largest City: Los Angeles (3,884,307)​10. Atlanta Population: 446,841 State: Georgia Largest City: Atlanta

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The Relationship Between The Middle And Working Classes Essay

The Relationship Between The Middle And Working Classes - Essay Example This research will begin with the statement that around the turn of the twentieth century, there was so much inequality that the middle class and the working class could not afford the same standards of living. However, some members of the middle class stretched their hands to help those who were in the working class. Addams explains how as a child belonging to the middle class helped the working class children not to feel bad about their situation when her father told her to wear a cloth that other kids wear so that she can be equal with them. This attitude helped the members of the working class in the twentieth century to feel that they belong to the same society and can share equally with other members of the society. Addams uses her life example to suggest that living among the poor is an opportunity to improve their lives in many ways. She says, â€Å"There were other genuine reasons for living among the poor than that of practicing medicine upon them†. Improved live ref ers to several factors that make someone attain higher standards of living including increased wages, more food, better health, higher social status, more comfort, and higher financing standing in general. Addams says that people in the streets in East London were very poor and that the middle class tried to help them in mitigating their problems. Those poor people did not have enough food to eat and gathered in the streets at night to buy vegetables which were almost rotten, others eating them raw.