Tuesday, February 25, 2020

The Orion Shield Project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Orion Shield Project - Essay Example This also shows how getting appointed for an unsuitable position can lead to disputes and confusions both for the employee and for the organization as a whole. From the ethical point of view Gary was correct on his part but if we consider the case from the business viewpoint then it can be said that on certain aspects Gary was wrong. The case focuses on a number of aspects of an organization and exhibits the outcomes providing the reader a food for thought towards finding out paths to better results. In the following sections we will discuss about the various aspects related to the case. Technical aspect Henry Larsen, the director of engineering at SEC appointed one of his most trusted employees, Gary Allison, as the project manager for the Orion Shield project. Soon Gary realized that the design prepared by their firm was unable to meet the technical specifications. He informed Larsen that the customers are looking for a design that would operate successfully and normally within -65 degree F to 145 degree F. He tried and tested several other approaches but failed. Then he suggested that the customers should be informed about this issue. ... He thought it would be unethical to conceal the fact from the customers which can possibly give rise to mistrust and dissatisfaction among the customers later on. But he was rebuked for this ethical thought. Larsen clearly told him that if he wished to move on with this project with an ethical viewpoint then he would have easily selected some ethical manager and not Gary. Since he needed someone who can tactfully handle such situations without getting ethically influenced therefore he chose Gary for this project and he wants Gary to act as per his instructions. Also Gary stated in the financial report about the progress of the project and the cost allocated. He represented all the facts truthfully. However his endeavor was totally discouraged by Elliot Grey who informed him that his truthfulness has caused a huge loss to the company as Grey had asked for $3, 00,000 additional amounts from the headquarters by some manipulation so that Gary could get rescued from the complex situation. Now this amount would be restricted to only $ 150,000. Legal aspect Gary got informed by Larsen that a new material JXB3 has proved to be suitable for satisfying all the specifications mentioned in the contract. This material had been tested for the past two weeks by Larsen and Paula and now they have come to the conclusion that it is the perfect one. Larsen also told that all these testing had been done with the money paid for the deal and it is against the contract to use the amount for some other purpose and the revelation of this fact might lead to cancellation of the contract. Also it was illegal on SEC’s part to develop a new material and introduce it within the

Sunday, February 9, 2020

Intensive Writing - Relationship between two Articles Essay

Intensive Writing - Relationship between two Articles - Essay Example The relationship between these articles can be based on the used themes, opinions addressed and the type of society that was used in the context of the article. "Black like them" is written by Malcolm Gladwell and most of its characters are from New York and its neighborhoods. Joane Nagel, on the other hand, writes â€Å"Constructing Ethnicity Creating and Recreating Ethnic Identity and culture† and tries to explain how different ethnicities affect the choices made by individuals. The articles share several themes since they have the same historical backgrounds. They had been based on the American society during the war era. During his period, people from different parts of the world searched for ‘greener pastures hence increasing the rate of immigrants in the United States. This action brought up the issue of racism since people moved to America from different countries. From the article, "Black like them" the Malcolm uses different characters to show how racism is evident in the society. Moreover, neighborhoods have been divided along racist lines. These blocks include the whites, Blacks, Hispanics and those who were of mixed races. For example, the writer explains how a West Indian boss claims that Garden city; a middle-class neighborhood is not a place for black people. Racial discrimination is also evident in workplaces, where the Noel works in a firm with a white workmate who is paid more than him irrespective of the same qualifications and work di d. Socialists and researchers from known universities have come up numerous situations to have a better understanding of these societies. The boss was an Indian national who could not differentiate between the Black Americans and those from the Caribbean. Joane in her book "Constructing Ethnicity" relates ethnic identity and its role in racism. This is because racism has its roots in different ethnic groups.Â